The 在线 护理学学士学位 (RN to BSN) completion program at the 罗伯特E. 史密斯护理学院 and 健康 Sciences 是为持有副学士或文凭的注册护士(RN)而设. Graduates of this program earn the BSN degree and are prepared to obtain or maintain a leadership position; and pursue education beyond the baccalaureate level, 如果需要的话.
该课程是在线的,在学生所在的医疗保健或社区环境中有一些临床经验. Students may choose to attend full-time or part-time. 全日制课程可以在两个学期内完成,兼职课程可以在四个学期内完成. 非注册护士但希望获得BSN的学生应选择 护理学学士学位 pre-licensure程序.

Why Choose the RN to BSN 在线 at DSU?

护理教师拥有各种护理专业的专业知识,并致力于在课堂上提供高质量的教育, 在线, 在临床环境中. 除了参加许多周边医疗机构的临床实践, 教师将模拟整合到教学/学习过程中,以解释护理概念和护理不同的个人和人群.
- Applications accepted year round
- Students are admitted in the program during the fall term
- Full time students complete nursing courses in 2 semesters
- Flexible and part-time course scheduling available
- 在线 program and course orientation
- Clinical experiences in student’s geographical location
- Test free validation credit/transfer credit
- 非学位选择
- Student advisement available 在线 or by phone
- CCNE认证

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的护理学学士学位是由大学护理教育委员会认证的, K街西北655号, 750套房, 华盛顿, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.

”I always knew that I wanted to further my nursing career. While working, I needed a program that was completely 在线. 经过大量的研究, 三角洲州有这样一个著名的护理项目,在RN-BSN项目中有最有前途的目标! Delta State has given me the best opportunity to advance my career.
Taryn Wood,注册护士转BSN专业2022届毕业生
What Can I Do With a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing?
在全国各地,护理是一个比以往任何时候都提供更多职业选择的职业. 在几乎所有类型的工作环境中都有一个护理职业选择:医院, 诊所, 学术, 工业, 行政, 实验室, 政府, 军事, 航空, 电脑, 体育, 等. Here are just a few of those choices:
- 重症监护护士
- 急诊室护士
- 飞行护士
- 居家护理护士
- 护士行业
- 感染控制护士
- 外科护士
- 儿科护士
- 或/复苏护士
- Psychiatric-Mental 健康 Nurse
- 产科护士
- 肿瘤科护士
- 学校护士
KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的RN到BSN计划比许多提供类似机会的同龄人更实惠. At DSU, we’re going to automatically consider you for scholarships. 一些你可能会考虑的奖学金包括护理专业的机会, 平均绩点2分的学生.5或以上, 密西西比居民, students who plan to work in the state of Mississippi post-graduation, 少数民族, 和更多的. Students may also be eligible for non-program specific scholarship opportunities.
罗伯特·E. 史密斯护理学院的目标是让获得护理学学士学位的学生在毕业时感觉自己很熟练, 自信, and equipped to deal with real-world situations. 我们的教职员工团队致力于确保我们的学生为满足医疗机构的就业需求做好准备.
- 通过扩展护理评估方面的知识和技能,培养副学士学位护士, community health and management-utilizing evidence-based practice, health policy and informatics to deliver safe, 主管护理.
- 准备副学士学位的护士提供护理与其他卫生保健提供者的合作, 病人, 家庭, and communities to promote health and disease prevention.
- Prepare graduate to pursue education beyond the baccalaureate level.

Students can expect to achieve specific outcomes from the program. 这些结果结合起来确保学生有资格达到护理的专业标准.
- Apply nursing, natural, and behavioral science concepts to the practice of nursing.
- Utilize the nursing process and standards of care to deliver safe, comprehensive nursing care to diverse clients in a collaborative environment.
- Practice as self-directed nursing leader who is accountable to self, 社会, and the evolving nursing profession.
- Utilize research in the delivery of health care.
- 通过参与专业和政治进程,倡导改善医疗保健.
- 提供个性化护理,重点是促进健康,预防疾病和伤害.
- 应用信息和患者护理技术,从跨学科的方法改善医疗保健服务.
- 申请KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载,并满足KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载本科公报中列出的入学要求.
- Submit the following information to the 罗伯特E. 史密斯护理学院 2月15日 prior to the semester of enrollment.
- 罗伯特E. 史密斯护理学院 RN/BSN Completion Program application.
- Demonstrate an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher in the nursing major.
- Demonstrate a C or better in all pre-requisites for the nursing major.
- Transcripts from all colleges and universities previously attended. 一名学生进入罗伯特E. 想要从其他项目获得先前护理课程学分的学生必须提交申请,并在进入罗伯特·E·史密斯护理学院之前协商学分. 史密斯护理学院 and not after the student is enrolled.
- 在申请当日,任何必修课程的学术成绩报告. A report form is included in the application packet.
- 一份当前未受阻碍的注册护士执照复印件,以在学生将执行临床的州执业.
- Students must be graduates of an accredited program.
- 所有学生都必须遵守密西西比州的立法法规和有关犯罪背景调查的规定,通过采集指纹和完成犯罪背景调查. Any cost of this requirement will be the student’s responsibility.
- After being accepted for admission, 每个学生将被要求提交一份完整的健康和免疫表格,由罗伯特E. 史密斯护理学院, 医疗保健提供者的个人健康保险和基本生命支持(BLS)证明.
Test-free Validation Credit/Transfer Credit
- 通过认可的学院和大学的类似的先决课程的注册护士可获得学分. Students may transfer approved 在线 course credits.
- 在学生成功完成努尔311课程后,将获得与DSU护理课程相当的39小时的其他护理课程(参加副学士或文凭课程)的验证学分, 努尔331, 努尔312和努尔358.
入院前, students may enroll as non-degree seeking (ND) students in 努尔311, 努尔331, 努尔312和努尔320. Upon successful completion of these courses and admission to the 罗伯特E. 史密斯护理学院的学生可以申请RN-BSN项目的课程学分.
Non-Nursing (pre-requisite) Support 课程
课程 | 优惠时间 |
BIO 230: Anatomy and Physiology | 4 |
生物231:解剖学和生理学 | 4 |
生物课217:微生物学 | 4 |
CIS 205: Micro电脑 Applications | 3 |
COM 101:公众演讲 | 3 |
英语101:英语写作 | 3 |
eng102:英语写作 | 3 |
FCS 345:营养 | 3 |
Fine Arts Elective (ART 101, 212, 401, 402; MUS 114, 115, 116, 117) | 3 |
History Elective (101, 102, 103, 104, 201, 202) | 3 |
人类发展/行为科学选修(PSY 307, PSY 313, PSY 403, FCS 326, CEL 300) | 3 |
Literature (ENG 201, 203, 205, 206, other approved literature) | 3 |
MAT 103:定量推理或MAT 104大学代数(DSU要求MAT 104) | 3 |
鸟叔101:普通心理学 | 3 |
SOC 101: Principles of Sociology | 3 |
Humanities Elective (Additional Fine Arts; Additional History; Additional Literature; or Introduction to Philosophy) | 3 |
Statistics (MAT 115, MAT 300, PSY 331) | 3 |
RN-to-BSN, Plan of Study – Full-time
课程数量 | 科目名称 | 学分 |
努尔311 | Comprehensive 健康 Assessment | 2.5 |
努尔331 | Comprehensive 健康 Assessment Practicum | .5 |
努尔312 | 基本病理生理学 | 3 |
努尔358 | Transition to Professional Nursing | 4 |
努尔403 | Community/Public 健康 Nursing | 2.5 |
努尔443 | Community/Public 健康 Nursing Practicum | 1.5 |
总计 | 14 |
课程数量 | 科目名称 | 学分 |
努尔309 | Nursing Research/Evidence Based Practice | 3 |
努尔314 | 健康 Policy and Ethical Decision Making | 2 |
努尔320 | 护理信息学 | 2 |
努尔402 | Nursing Leadership and Management | 3 |
努尔442 | Nursing Leadership and Management Practicum | 3 |
总计 | 13 |
RN-to-BSN, Plan of Study – Part-time
课程数量 | 科目名称 | 学分 |
努尔311 | Comprehensive 健康 Assessment | 2.5 |
努尔331 | Comprehensive 健康 Assessment Practicum | .5 |
努尔312 | 基本病理生理学 | 3 |
努尔358 | Transition to Professional Nursing | 4 |
努尔403 | Community/Public 健康 Nursing | 2.5 |
努尔443 | Community/Public 健康 Nursing Practicum | 1.5 |
总计 | 14 |
课程数量 | 科目名称 | 学分 |
努尔309 | Nursing Research/Evidence Based Practice | 3 |
努尔314 | 健康 Policy and Ethical Decision Making | 2 |
努尔320 | 护理信息学 | 2 |
努尔402 | Nursing Leadership and Management | 3 |
努尔442 | Nursing Leadership and Management Practicum | 3 |
总计 | 13 |
Maintain an overall quality point average of 2.0 each semester in the School of Nursing.
Maintain a minimum grade of “C” in all nursing courses.*
*For students in any nursing program, 大学成绩宽恕政策不适用于以NUR为前缀的课程.
通识教育 | 41 |
特殊学位要求 | 13 |
主要的 | 66 |
总学位要求 | 120 |
DSU学费 包括课程费用.
RN-BSN Course/Lab 费用 (2024-2025)
Course/Lab fees for the RN to BSN program are $364.00. See below the specific courses/lab fee breakdown by semester.
课程 | 成本 |
努尔311 | $0 |
努尔331 | $0 |
努尔312 | $0 |
努尔358 | $90 |
努尔403 | $0 |
努尔443 | $100 |
总计 | $190 |
课程 | 成本 |
努尔309 | $0 |
努尔314 | $0 |
努尔402 | $0 |
努尔442 | $104 |
努尔320 | $70 |
总计 | $174 |